팝 & 뮤지컬/음악산책

[스크랩] 도레미송 / 로저 와그너 합창단

금병산 2007. 11. 27. 19:26

Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music 

           영화 "Sound of Music"에서 주연 Julie Andrews와 아이들 (1965) 



        Do-Re-Mi  song


                 * 가사 : Oscar Hammerstein II

                 * 작곡 : Richard Rogers. 

                 * 출전 : 영화 "Sound of Music (1965년)"  

                 * 노래 : 로저 와그너 합창단/Roger Wagner Chorale.  


        * Let's start at the very beginning

           A very good place to start.

           When you read you begin with A, B, C.

           When you sing you begin with Do, Re, Mi.

           Do-re-mi, Do-re-mi

           The first three notes just happen to be.

           Do-re-mi, Do-re-mi.

           Do re mi fa so la ti.


        * Do  : a deer a female deer.

           Ray : a drop of golden sun.

           Me : a name I call myself.

           Far : a long long way to run.

           Sew : a needle pulling thread.

           La   : a note to follow Sew.

           Tea : a drink with jam and bread.

           That will bring us back to Do. oh~oh~oh~.


        * Do  : a deer a female deer.

           Ray : a drop of golden sun.

           Me : a name I call myself.

           Far : a long long way to run.

           Sew : a needle pulling thread.

           La   : a note to follow Sew.

           Tea : a drink with jam and bread.

           That will bring us back to Do.



           Do-mi-mi, Mi-so-so, Re-fa-fa, La-ti-ti.

           Domimi, Misoso, Refafa, Latiti




        * Do  : a deer a female deer

           Ray : a drop of golden sun

           Me : a name I call myself

           Far : a long long way to run

           Sew : a needle pulling thread

           La   : a note to follow Sew

           Tea : a drink with jam and bread

           That will bring us back to Do.

           That will bring us back to.


           So-do.   (모~모)


                                 Roger Wagner Chorale (로저 와그너 합창단: 미국)




출처 : ♣ 음악과 시와 함께 ♣
글쓴이 : 모~모(모달종) 원글보기
메모 :